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Juniper EX4200 QinQ question

newbie here with a very similar question to one that was posted a couple of years back ... only slightly different (so, as the original question was asked so perfectly, I've copied it nearly verbatim ...
Julian's user avatar
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Juniper EX4200 How to read SNMP traffic counters for specific VLAN id from trunk interface?

I have multiple q-in-q S-VLANs assigned to the trunk port ge-0/0/0. How can I read SNMP traffic counters for a specific VLAN id (S-VLAN) on that trunk port? Hardware is Juniper EX4200-24F. For ...
Everton's user avatar
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Juniper EX4200 how to select s-vlan from c-vlan on dot1q-tunneling access port?

How do I tell Juniper EX4200 to push specific S-VLAN based on C-VLAN on q-in-q (dot1q-tunneling) port? For instance I want to instruct EX4200 to perform Q-in-Q using these rules: 1) If a single-tag ...
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