I am testing following ACL on Cisco 3850 L3 switch :
C3850#show ip access-lists 101
Extended IP access list 101
10 deny ip any any fragments
20 permit ip any any (268 matches)
I applied access list on ISP side interface in
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/1
description ISP
no switchport
ip address 61.XX.XX.158
ip access-group 101 in
From remote host, I am doing ping with -s 1500
big packet size so it will get fragments, and the ACL will drop them. It looks like it works, too; I am not getting ping reply back.
To make sure routing dropping packet or not, I ran tcpdump
on one of HOST machines, and I can see ICMP
packets coming in. It's strange why the router is not dropping them at inbound
The ACL hit count is zero for fragments:
C3850#show ip access-lists 101
Extended IP access list 101
10 deny ip any any fragments
20 permit ip any any (4006 matches)
.-s 20000
and still i am seeing on host packet coming in and on ACL no hitcountdeny ip any any fragments
usedeny icmp any any fragments
will include all L3 packets..