I'm setting up BFD on BGP between ASR1k and ASR9k. On 1k #show bfd neighbors details dosn't produce any output. Seems like BFD is not running. CPU Proccess running on 1k: BFD HW EVENT, BFD IPV6 ADDR, BFD Session creation BFD HA.
We are using double tagging on sub-interface and vrf. any toughts what I'm missing? As per cisco configuration that should be easy to switch bfd on.
Please see below configuration:
router bgp 66000
bgp router-id
bgp log-neighbor-changes
timers bgp 10 30
address-family ipv4 vrf 1001
redistribute connected
redistribute static
neighbor x.x.x.0 remote-as 65000
neighbor x.x.x.0 ttl-security hops 2
neighbor x.x.x.0 fall-over bfd multi-hop
neighbor x.x.x.0 activate
neighbor x.x.x.0 soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor y.y.y.0 remote-as 65000
neighbor y.y.y.0 ttl-security hops 2
neighbor y.y.y.0 fall-over bfd single-hop
neighbor y.y.y.0 activate
neighbor y.y.y.0 soft-reconfiguration inbound
maximum-paths 2
default-information originate
ASR1K1#sh run int gi0/0/0.3999
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0.3999
description Ethernet Primary WAN
encapsulation dot1Q 3999 second-dot1q 1
vrf forwarding 1001
ip address x.x.x.1
bfd interval 500 min_rx 100 multiplier 3
ASR1K1#sh run int Gi0/0/1.3999
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 267 bytes
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1.3999
description Ethernet Secondary WAN
encapsulation dot1Q 3999 second-dot1q 1
vrf forwarding 1001
ip address y.y.y.1
bfd interval 500 min_rx 100 multiplier 3
Command show bfd neighbors deosn't show anything.
ASR1K1#sh bfd neighbors vrf 1001 details
ASR9k show bfd session destination x.x.x. detail:
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9k1#sh bfd session destination x.x.x.1 detail
Sun Sep 25 17:34:50.176 BST
Location: 0/2/CPU0
Dest: x.x.x.1
Src: x.x.x.0
VRF Name/ID: 1001/0x60000008
State: DOWN for 0d:5h:32m:3s, number of times UP: 0
Session type: SW/V4/MH
Received parameters:
Version: 0, desired tx interval: 0 us, required rx interval: 0 us
Multiplier: 0, diag: None
My discr: 0, your discr: 0, H/D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Transmitted parameters:
Version: 1, desired tx interval: 2 s, required rx interval: 2 s
Multiplier: 3, diag: None
My discr: 25523, your discr: 0, state DOWN, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0
Timer Values:
Local negotiated async tx interval: 2 s
Remote negotiated async tx interval: 2 s
async detection time: 0 us
Local Stats:
Intervals between async packets:
Tx: Number of intervals=100, min=1665 ms, max=1998 ms, avg=1853 ms
Last packet transmitted 338 ms ago
Rx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s
Last packet received 0 s ago
MP download state: BFD_MP_DOWNLOAD_ACK
State change time: Sep 25 12:02:46.886
Session owner information:
Desired Adjusted
Client Interval Multiplier Interval Multiplier
-------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
bgp-default 500 ms 3 2 s 3
bgp-default 500 ms 3 2 s 3
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR9k2#sh bfd session destination y.y.y.1 detail
Sun Sep 25 17:34:05.477 BST
I/f: GigabitEthernet0/3/0/0.3999, Location: 0/3/CPU0
Dest: y.y.y.1
Src: y.y.y.0
State: DOWN for 2d:1h:34m:36s, number of times UP: 0
Session type: PR/V4/SH
Received parameters:
Version: 0, desired tx interval: 0 us, required rx interval: 0 us
Required echo rx interval: 0 us, multiplier: 0, diag: None
My discr: 0, your discr: 0, H/D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/0/0/0
Transmitted parameters:
Version: 1, desired tx interval: 2 s, required rx interval: 2 s
Required echo rx interval: 1 ms, multiplier: 3, diag: None
My discr: 456472645, your discr: 0, state DOWN, D/F/P/C/A: 0/0/0/1/0
Timer Values:
Local negotiated async tx interval: 2 s
Remote negotiated async tx interval: 2 s
Desired echo tx interval: 500 ms, local negotiated echo tx interval: 0 us
Echo detection time: 0 us, async detection time: 0 us
Local Stats:
Intervals between async packets:
Tx: Number of intervals=100, min=1664 ms, max=2 s, avg=1846 ms
Last packet transmitted 1811 ms ago
Rx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s
Last packet received 0 s ago
Intervals between echo packets:
Tx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s
Last packet transmitted 0 s ago
Rx: Number of intervals=0, min=0 s, max=0 s, avg=0 s
Last packet received 0 s ago
Latency of echo packets (time between tx and rx):
Number of packets: 0, min=0 us, max=0 us, avg=0 us
Session owner information:
Desired Adjusted
Client Interval Multiplier Interval Multiplier
-------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
bgp-default 500 ms 3 2 s 3
bgp-default 500 ms 3 2 s 3
debug bfd *
commands?sh bfd drop
might also provide some clues.