When using an SRX (we have a 1400) to protect a server we can create an application-ddos rule for DNS, but what if we want to protect it against SQL exploit attempts like "SaAdmin" login attempts?

In the JUNOS guide, it states,

"Note: Application-level denial-of-service (application-level DDoS) detection will not work if two rules with different application-level DDoS applications process traffic going to a single destination application server."

It's almost as if you can protect a server from only one protocol's exploits at a time. If that's not the case, how is it done? I haven't seen a single configuration for SRX IDP that shows a specific destination protected for more than a single application/protocol. What happens if you want to protect your webserver from HTTP and FTP exploits?

  • I'm not an expert on AppDDoS, so I can't answer all of this. Junpier does have signatures for detecting brute force attempts to SQL; such as DB:MS-SQL:MSSQL-LGN-BRUTE-FORCE for MySQL brute forcing.
    – Ryan Foley
    Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 19:24
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    – Ron Maupin
    Commented Aug 11, 2017 at 19:34

1 Answer 1


I would recommend not using AppDDoS moving forward. Juniper announced its deprecation some time ago, and this is probably the reason you can't find many solid examples of its use: http://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB28592&actp=search&viewlocale=en_US&searchid=1374905420170

Ironically, that KB recommends using the DDos Secure Product which has also been canned.

To somewhat reproduce AppDDoS behaviour, you can do the following:

Create a custom-attack referencing the protocol you are specifically hunting (e.g.: SQL), and just pick a context to match a normal operation (e.g.: mssql-login). You can then apply time-binding count 100 to it, which basically means - if you see 100 of these within a minute, this is an attack. The scope variable determines: from a single source to multiple destinations (DoS), from multiple sources to a single destination (DDoS), or just a single a single peer to a single destination.

The whole thing looks like:

custom-attack SQL-DDOS {
    recommended-action drop;
    severity major;
    time-binding {
        count 100;
        scope destination;
    attack-type {
        signature {
            context mssql-login;
            direction client-to-server;
            protocol {
                tcp {
                    destination-port {
                        match equal;
                        value 1433;

Reference your attack(s) in an IPS policy, and make the then term something like:

   rulebase-ips {
        rule SQL-SERVER {
            match {
                application junos-ms-sql;
                attacks {
                    custom-attacks SQL-DDOS;
            then {
                action {
                ip-action {
                    target source-address;
                    timeout 60;

This will put in an ip-block action against any source addresses that trigger this attack for 1 minute, and if any further attacks from the same source are detected (e.g.: it's a dumb bot), keep restarting the 60-second timer every time you see one.

  • I like this approach and will use it, but I fear I wasn't clear in my approach- I use IDP policy now, but in specifying an application for a specific ip endpoint destination, you are then not allowed to apply another IDP application policy against the same endpoint. So for instance, I can block DNS attacks very elegantly with a custom attack referencing a DNS application. But in stopping those DNS attacks to the DNS server, I'm not allowed to configure a subsequent rule to protect against FTP attacks with an FTP application definition against the same endpoint DNS server.
    – danno
    Commented Aug 7, 2015 at 19:14
  • Although a little counter-intutitive, I tend to let the security policy dictate specific traffic to an endpoint, then just configure IDP rules to only match on applications rather than destination addresses - this way, FTP and DNS attacks will be blocked against all DNS and FTP traffic (even traffic traversing a non-standard port, or to an unexpected host). Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 3:37
  • Now that is very interesting, I am definitely going to approach my config from that standpoint, thank-you.
    – danno
    Commented Aug 10, 2015 at 15:52

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