Cisco 3850/IP Base/IOS XE 3.7.2
I was going over my NetFlow data, and it seemed I was only catching flow in, and not out. I already had the in/out records and monitors, using the same exporter to one sensor in the monitoring suite. I set up another sensor on the monitoring software, using the next numerical port. It worked as intended for about 5 minutes, then stopped transmitting.
What am I missing here? the In exporter is using 2055, the Out using 2056. This was done to allow separate sensors in software. It did work for a few minutes and then it quit. There definitely seems to be a change, as the still working NetFlow sensor shows highly reduced traffic.
flow record Ripon-Core-In
match ipv4 tos
match ipv4 protocol
match ipv4 source address
match ipv4 destination address
match transport source-port
match transport destination-port
match interface input
collect counter bytes long
collect counter packets long
flow record Ripon-Core-Out
match ipv4 tos
match ipv4 protocol
match ipv4 source address
match ipv4 destination address
match transport source-port
match transport destination-port
match interface output
collect counter bytes long
collect counter packets long
flow exporter Ripon-Core
source Vlan110
transport udp 2055
flow exporter Ripon-Core-Out
source Vlan110
transport udp 2056
flow monitor Ripon-Core-In
exporter Ripon-Core
cache timeout active 900
record Ripon-Core-In
flow monitor Ripon-Core-Out
exporter Ripon-Core-Out
cache timeout active 900
record Ripon-Core-Out
sho flow exporter status
Flow Exporter Ripon-Core:
Packet send statistics (last cleared 2w2d ago):
Successfully sent: 2666339 (3097186452 bytes)
Client send statistics:
Client: Flow Monitor Ripon-Core-In
Records added: 41619483
- sent: 41619483
Bytes added: 1415062422
- sent: 1415062422
Flow Exporter Ripon-Core-Out:
Packet send statistics (last cleared 00:48:04 ago):
Successfully sent: 60 (70098 bytes)
Client send statistics:
Client: Flow Monitor Ripon-Core-Out
Records added: 1893
- sent: 1893
Bytes added: 64362
- sent: 64362
and the port to which it is applied:
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/12
switchport access vlan 110
switchport mode access
ip flow monitor Ripon-Core-In input
ip flow monitor Ripon-Core-Out output`