I have enabled the SLA monitor on an ASA, and I was wondering what the RTTSum and RTTSum2 Metric Represents?
RTT stands for "Rout Trip Time" I am having trouble figuring what the RTTSum actually represent, how would I read it and apply it to troubleshooting?
Modification time: 16:46:11.982 EST Mon Sep 16 2013
Number of Octets Used by this Entry: 1480
Number of operations attempted: 197
Number of operations skipped: 0
Current seconds left in Life: Forever
Operational state of entry: Active
Last time this entry was reset: Never
Connection loss occurred: FALSE
Timeout occurred: FALSE
Over thresholds occurred: FALSE
Latest RTT (milliseconds): 10
Latest operation start time: 17:18:51.982 EST Mon Sep 16 2013
Latest operation return code: OK
RTT Values:
RTTAvg: 10 RTTMin: 10 RTTMax: 10
NumOfRTT: 3 RTTSum: 30 RTTSum2: 300
And another example
Number of Octets Used by this Entry: 1480
Number of operations attempted: 243
Number of operations skipped: 0
Current seconds left in Life: Forever
Operational state of entry: Active
Last time this entry was reset: Never
Connection loss occurred: FALSE
Timeout occurred: FALSE
Over thresholds occurred: FALSE
Latest RTT (milliseconds): 13
Latest operation start time: 17:26:31.992 EST Mon Sep 16 2013
Latest operation return code: OK
RTT Values:
RTTAvg: 13 RTTMin: 10 RTTMax: 20
NumOfRTT: 3 RTTSum: 40 RTTSum2: 600