On an interface to a customer of ours we configured double tagging. This interface is encapsulated with vlan-ccc because it is used in a l2circuit neighbor configuration. My question is: how can this double-tagged interface be changed to untagged towards the l2circuit connection?

unit 1158 {
    encapsulation vlan-ccc;
    vlan-tags outer 0x8100.1158 inner 0x8100.602;
    family ccc {
        mtu 1520;

protocols l2circuit 
    traceoptions {
    file l2circuit.log files 5;
    flag all;
neighbor xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx {
    interface xe-0/0/3.1158 {
        virtual-circuit-id 1158;
        mtu 1520;

This works, but on the other side of the l2circuit I have to configure double tagging, which I really don't want to. How can I do this in a way so that I don't have to use tagging on the other side?

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    – Ron Maupin
    Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 20:20

1 Answer 1


You should be able to do something like:

protocols {
    l2circuit {
        neighbor xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx {
            interface xe-0/0/3.1158 {
                virtual-circuit-id 1158;
                mtu 1520;
interfaces {
    xe-0/0/3 {
        native-vlan-id 1158;
        unit 1158 {
            vlan-id 1158;

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