I need to measure the latency, jitter and packet-loss per link in a network, as opposed to end-to-end, e.g. like this:
s1-eth0 <--> s2-eth0 (~ 20µs avg. latency, standard derivation 10µs, 57 % packet loss /last sec)
s2-eth1 <--> s3-eth0 (~ 25µs avg. latency, standard derivation 5µs, 21 % packet loss / last sec)
All solutions i was able to find were either academic proposals or involve using dedicated hardware for active probing.
Here is a summary what according to my research does no work out:
- NetFlow: No latency information, only end-to-end
- Active Probing: It's Not possible for me to change the configuration of the network
- Measure Roundtrip-Time: does not provide per-link-statistics
Is there any network protocol, measurement tool or other functionality providing all or at least some of the above statistics?