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2 votes
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Firewall and VPN functionalities for a Cisco ISR4321 V/K9

I would like to know if I can setup ACLs with the access-list command with a Cisco ISR4321 V/K9. Are there restrictions (in comparison with a Cisco ISR4321 VSEC/K9)? Note the SEC part in the reference....
Léa Massiot's user avatar
2 votes
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How does a Cisco ACL handle fragments

We have an ASR1000, and I have the following ACL, but yesterday someone hit us with big DDoS attack, and I found it was a DNS amplification attack. so all source port for 53, and it was definitely a ...
Satish's user avatar
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How do i set this ACL on the router

I was told in a previous answer to use ip access-list extended TEST deny ip host <PC0 address> host <PC5 address> permit ip any any But, whats the command to set it on the router ...
user1871's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Simple ACL question

I'm still new to networking and have a question or problem I need to solve, but I'm not sure how to move forward. I need to stop PC0 from Vlan10 from talking to PC5 in Vlan30, but he must be able to ...
user1871's user avatar
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2 answers

Cisco extended ACL not permitting traffic according to rules

this is my network topology diagram: Networks that are outlined in the bottom are actually vlans 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 defined on switches S1 and S3. The routers R3 and R2 for the network have ...
Eldar's user avatar
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10 votes
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Cisco: prevent vlan's of communicating with eachother on cisco router (ACL alternative)

Setup: Cisco router with multiple VLAN's configured on it. How can you prevent 2 VLAN's communicating with eachother? Normally I would do this with ACL's like this: access-list 102 deny ip 0....
Bulki's user avatar
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