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Questions tagged [storm-control]

For questions about Storm Control on network devices. For instance, you want to limit the amount of broadcasts in your network and therefore want to implement storm control.

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Broadcast Storm Control - DLF

I'm reading strom-comtrol feature but I'm confusing about DLF (destination lookup failure) What kind of DLF packet? I'm thinking it's non-unicast packet, right? Tks!
Unstoppableee's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to control unwanted UDP traffic (Broadcast & Multicast) on Cisco Router 2911?

Please suggest, we are getting UDP traffic either broadcast or multicast in router 2911 which cause 95%+ utilisation of the router. And we got error in link and business impact due to this. Company ...
Varun Luthra's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Graphing the number of broadcasts per MAC?

Is there a way, using free network health/analysis tools like Cacti or Wireshark, to produce a list of the number of broadcasts per MAC address or IP address, sorted by the number of broadcasts over ...
Dale Mahalko's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Recommended Cisco storm-control broadcast and multicast threshold value for user PC

What is the recommended storm-control threshold value of broadcast and multicast on Cisco IOS catalyst switches for ports connected to users?
Ron Vince's user avatar
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3 answers

Cisco Storm-Control default action when an optional action is configured

I have looked through as much Cisco, and other, documentation as I could find on the subject, but I couldn't find a solid answer on this question. The default action for an interface that exceeds the ...
skrap3e's user avatar
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1 answer

How to block broadcast packets EXITING a single switchport

I have a couple cheap external wireless APs that like to reboot themselves constantly if they get even a few broadcast packets (i am ~90% certain this is the cause, after some testing with wireshark ...
goofology's user avatar
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1 answer

Cisco: broadcast and multicast storm control on distribution switches

I just got some already configured switches that are giving a lot of problems on the network with port shutdowns due to storm control policies. Finally after dumping the running-config. I've saw ...
Vinícius Ferrão's user avatar