I have been facing this problem for a very long time. Here is a diagram of the switch situation:

enter image description here

The problem is that I have been trying to access the switch on the RIGHT(A3100) through the network but can't ping it( from anywhere. But the switch on the LEFT(A5500) can be accessed like normal through ping even HP web access.Right now, I can only access the RIGHT(A3100) switch through the console.

As we can see, both switches are connected through trunk port.

Here is some routing info from switch on the LEFT(A5500):

[Switch A5500]dis ip ro
Routing Tables: Public
        Destinations : 25       Routes : 25

Destination/Mask    Proto  Pre  Cost         NextHop         Interface           Static 60   0       Vlan2         Direct 0    0         InLoop0        Direct 0    0         InLoop0       Direct 0    0        Vlan1       Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan2    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan3    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan4    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan5    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan6    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan7    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan8    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan9    Direct 0    0         InLoop0      Direct 0    0     Vlan10    Direct 0    0         InLoop0     Direct 0    0    Vlan11   Direct 0    0         InLoop0

And here is the routing info for switch on the RIGHT(A3100):

[Switch A3100]dis ip r
Routing Tables: Public
        Destinations : 4        Routes : 4

Destination/Mask    Proto  Pre  Cost         NextHop         Interface         Direct 0    0         InLoop0        Direct 0    0         InLoop0       Direct 0    0        Vlan1       Direct 0    0         InLoop0

If you need more info just ask. I'm still new to this and not sure about the actual problem. Thanks in advance!

UPDATE : Both switch configuration

Switch A5500

[Switch A5500]dis cur
 version 5.20, Release 2208P01
 sysname Switch A5500
 undo password-control aging enable
 undo password-control length enable
 undo password-control history enable
 password-control login-attempt 3 exceed lock-time 120
 super password level 3 cipher IR(#N/:K>:Q'J\EJT`94,A!!
 irf mac-address persistent timer
 irf auto-update enable
 undo irf link-delay
 domain default enable system
local-user password-display-mode cipher-force
 telnet server enable
 management-vlan 9
 portal server 1 ip
 portal local-server http
ip vpn-instance 9
acl number 3997
 rule 0 permit ip dscp ef
 rule 1 permit tcp destination-port eq www
 rule 2 permit udp destination-port eq snmp
 rule 3 permit udp destination-port eq snmptrap
 rule 4 permit ip dscp cs6
 rule 5 permit ip dscp cs7
acl number 4999
 rule 0 permit type 8868 ffff
 rule 1 permit source-mac 00e0-bb00-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
 rule 2 permit source-mac 0003-6b00-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
 rule 3 permit source-mac 00e0-7500-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
 rule 4 permit source-mac 00d0-1e00-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
 rule 5 permit source-mac 0001-e300-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
 rule 6 permit source-mac 000f-e200-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
 rule 7 permit source-mac 0060-b900-0000 ffff-ff00-0000
 rule 8 deny dest-mac 0000-0000-0000 ffff-ffff-ffff
vlan 1
 description Vlan 1
vlan 2
 description Vlan 2
vlan 3
 description Vlan 3
vlan 4
 description Vlan 4
vlan 5
 description Vlan 5
vlan 6
 description Vlan 6
vlan 7
 description Vlan 7
vlan 8
 description Vlan 8
vlan 9
 description Vlan 9
vlan 10
 description Vlan 10
vlan 11
 description Vlan 11
vlan 12 to 4094
radius scheme system
 primary authentication 1645
 primary accounting 1646
 user-name-format without-domain
domain system
 access-limit disable
 state active
 idle-cut disable
 self-service-url disable
user-group system
local-user admin
 password cipher $2HRI'/MVL^,YWX*NZ55OA!!
 authorization-attribute level 3
 service-type telnet terminal
 stp enable
interface NULL0
interface Vlan-interface1
 ip address
 portal server 1 method layer3
interface Vlan-interface2
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:40::254/64
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface3
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:2::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface4
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:3::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface5
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:4::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface6
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:5::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface7
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:6::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface8
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:7::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface9
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:8::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface10
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:9::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface11
 ipv6 address 2400:7400:64:10::254/64
 ipv6 address auto link-local
 ip address
interface Vlan-interface12
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
 port link-mode bridge
 description Default(Firewall)
 port access vlan 2
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 2
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 11
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 6
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 3
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 8
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 10
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 5
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/13
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/14
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/15
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/16
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/17
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/18
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/19
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/21
 port link-mode bridge
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22
 port link-mode bridge
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23
 port link-mode bridge
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/24
 port link-mode bridge
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/25
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 5
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/26
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 5
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/27
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 6
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/28
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 6
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
 stp edged-port enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/29
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 9
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/30
 port link-mode bridge
 port access vlan 9
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/31
 port link-mode bridge
 description To A3100 Switch
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan all
 broadcast-suppression pps 3000
 undo jumboframe enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/32
 port link-mode bridge
 description To A3100 Switch
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan all
 stp edged-port enable
 ip route-static
 ipv6 route-static :: 0 2400:7400:64:40::1
 info-center synchronous
 snmp-agent local-engineid 8000002B001EC1800E806877
 snmp-agent community read public
 snmp-agent community write private
 snmp-agent sys-info version all
 load xml-configuration
user-interface aux 0
 authentication-mode scheme
user-interface vty 0 4
 authentication-mode scheme
user-interface vty 5 15
[Switch A5500]

Switch A3100

[Switch A3100]dis cur
 version 5.20, Release 5103P01
 sysname Switch A3100
 super password level 3 cipher IR(#N/:K>:Q'J\EJT`94,A!!
 domain default enable system
local-user password-display-mode cipher-force
 telnet server enable
 management-vlan 11
 portal local-server http
acl number 3997
 rule 0 permit ip dscp ef
 rule 1 permit tcp destination-port eq www
 rule 2 permit udp destination-port eq snmp
 rule 3 permit udp destination-port eq snmptrap
 rule 4 permit ip dscp cs6
 rule 5 permit ip dscp cs7
acl number 4999
 rule 0 permit type 8868 ffff
vlan 1
 description Vlan 1
vlan 2
 description Vlan 2
vlan 3
 description Vlan 3
vlan 4
 description Vlan 4
vlan 5
 description Vlan 5
vlan 6
 description Vlan 6
vlan 7
 description Vlan 7
vlan 8
 description Vlan 8
vlan 9
 description Vlan 9
vlan 10
 description Vlan 10
vlan 11 to 4094
radius scheme system
 primary authentication 1645
 primary accounting 1646
 user-name-format without-domain
domain system
 access-limit disable
 state active
 idle-cut disable
 self-service-url disable
user-group system
local-user admin
 password cipher $2HRI'/MVL^,YWX*NZ55OA!!
 authorization-attribute level 3
 service-type telnet terminal
 stp enable
 undo stp port-log all
interface NULL0
interface Vlan-interface1
 ip address
interface Ethernet1/0/1
 port access vlan 11
interface Ethernet1/0/2
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/3
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/4
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/5
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/6
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/7
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/8
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/9
 port access vlan 6
 stp edged-port enable
interface Ethernet1/0/10
 port access vlan 6
 stp edged-port enable
interface Ethernet1/0/11
 port access vlan 9
 stp edged-port enable
interface Ethernet1/0/12
 port access vlan 10
interface Ethernet1/0/13
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/14
 port access vlan 8
interface Ethernet1/0/15
 port access vlan 8
interface Ethernet1/0/16
 port access vlan 7
interface Ethernet1/0/17
 port access vlan 7
interface Ethernet1/0/18
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/19
 port access vlan 5
interface Ethernet1/0/20
 port access vlan 4
interface Ethernet1/0/21
 port access vlan 6
interface Ethernet1/0/22
 port access vlan 11
interface Ethernet1/0/23
 port access vlan 6
 stp edged-port enable
interface Ethernet1/0/24
 port access vlan 2
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/25
 description From Switch 5500
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan all
 stp loop-protection
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/26
 description From Switch 5500
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan all
 stp loop-protection
 ip route-static
 info-center synchronous
 load xml-configuration
user-interface aux 0
 authentication-mode scheme
user-interface vty 0 15
[Switch A3100]
  • 1
    You should post the entire switches configuration. I would first suspect that the management IP address on the second switch is not set in the right place, but we need the configuration to check out what's going on.
    – JFL
    Commented Sep 12, 2017 at 9:41
  • Done,current config for both switch added.
    – FreezY
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 3:00
  • Your management interface is defined on vlan 11 but I didn't see an IP interface for this vlan on the A3100
    – Tensibai
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 5:34
  • Or it's just a typo and you aim at having the management interface in vlan 1 (anyway this sound strange to have the management interfaces of both switch in different vlan)
    – Tensibai
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 6:14
  • Actually not a typo, I have tested for management vlan on every vlan I have. And still not working. Its so weird.Btw,to access switch A5500, I can use all the gateway to access that switch(,,the problem is I cant either access or ping the A3100. But the switch working like normal. Just cant access it other than console.
    – FreezY
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 6:43

7 Answers 7


You should check the portal server limitations, since it is enabled on A5500 Vlan 1 interface:

interface Vlan-interface1
ip address
portal server 1 method layer3

While a portal server hasn't stateful packet inspection functionality, it could prevent icmp echo reply response to pass Vlan 1 layer 3 interface, when directed to any IP address on the A5500 side.

  • After I remove "portal server 1 method layer3" ,now everything work fine even the web management site, thankssss so much.
    – FreezY
    Commented Sep 18, 2017 at 8:16

(Disclaimer: I am not familiar with HP switches, so I wont' be able to give proper command syntax for show/display commands).

For a first, let's leave all routing discussion aside. AS5500 an AS3100 are on a common subnet ( on VLAN1, so they must be able talk to each other directly. Accessing AS3100 from "elsewhere" is for later, we first have to solve a switching problem - or confirm that we don't have one.

Here's two test procedures to see if VLAN1 is actually "going through", i.o.w. if it is one single broadcast domain spannig both switches

  1. Find A3100's and AS5500's MAC address for interface VLAN1. We would expect these MAC address to appear in a neighboring device's ARP cache after trying to talk to it. HP's equivalent of show ip interface vlan 1 should show these MAC addresses.

  2. configure one switchport on both of the switches, into VLAN1, untagged. Configure a laptop's NIC with 172.16.1.xx and connect it to both ports in turn.

  3. Ping both AS5500's and AS3100's IP addresses from that laptop. Ensure that the laptop actually attempts this from its 172.16.1.x address (e.g. by keeping any WiFi or 3G/4G interface disabled for the test). Write down the test results, and see if some pattern of ok/not-ok appears.

  4. No matter if the pings work or not, always look at the laptop's ARP cache ("arp -a" on windows, "arp -na" on a *nix-like OSs). See if and which MAC addresses are learnt for AS5500's and AS3100's IP adresses - they should be the ones from step 1.

Or this way:

  1. Generate some traffic (in extenso: ping A3100's IP address) from AS5500. Ensure that this traffic is actually generated from AS5500's interface VLAN1 - probably, there's a command line option to set the ping source address.

  2. No matter if the ping works, check AS5500's ARP cache to see if it has learnt AS3100's MAC adress.

  3. Check AS5500's CAM table resp. MAC address table for VLAN1. AS3100's VLAN 1 MAC address shold be visible on port 1/0/32. If not - then VLAN1 is not one single broadcast domain.

  4. repeat 1-3 from AS3100 towards AS5500.

These tests should help to establish if VLAN1's broadcast domain is actually "going throgh" across both switches. My suspicion is that it is not.

I spotted a difference in your config:


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/32
 port link-mode bridge           
 description To A3100 Switch
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan all
 stp edged-port enable   <-- IMO, that should not be here if you connect a switch to this port. 


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/26
 description From Switch 5500
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan all
 stp loop-protection

Educated guess:

The stp edged-port enable on AS5500 that IMO should not be there. Edge-Type ports are for the edge: PCs, printers, servers etc. Never another bridge/switch.

I suspect that it has some influence on how the switches treat untagged traffic. Since VLAN1 is often being used as the default ("native") VLAN, frames from VLAN1 are usually sent without tags. What if one switch tags them, but the other doesn't, or expects them to be tagged, and drops incoming untagged frames, or maps untagged frames to another VLAN?

There might also be a difference in default behaviour w/regards to tagged/untagged frames of the two different switch models - you'll have to consult documentation to find out.

  • Thanks for reply, fyi when I try to untagged the VLAN 1, the warning came out "Can't delete ports from or add ports to the default VLAN". And from ARP result it show both switch IP and MAC address on connected port. But ping doesnt work. Weird thing I encountered is I cannot ping the A5500( when I disconnected port from both switch but work normally when connected. But A3100 is same still cant ping either way.
    – FreezY
    Commented Sep 18, 2017 at 7:12
  • If you see IP (172.16.1.x) and MAC address of AS3100 and AS5500 in the ARP cache in all test cases, then the broadcast domain of VLAN1 can be assumed to be contiguous. So we probably don't have a switching problem. Is there any configuration setting that would prevent accessing AS3100's IP address from 172.16.1.x ? (Think "trusted management IP", or similar?) Commented Sep 18, 2017 at 7:29

Your switch on the right (A3100) doesn't have a default gateway nor a route toward other subnets to answer back. It can only talk to machines within the subnet

If you send the ping from any other subnet it has no idea where to send the answer packet.

Add a route of something like netxhop and you should be ok (A5500 should take care of the routing and the /20 covers from to so it would include your 10 /24 blocks in one route).

  • Thanks for reply,I already try your method but it doesnt work, I have put the curr conf for both switch for reference.
    – FreezY
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 2:55

TO access the switch through remotely,switch should have Route or default gateway.

Use below commend you would be able to access the RIGHT(A3100)

ip route-static

  • Thanks, Before this I already try putting this route and it doesnt work also. I add the current config for reference.
    – FreezY
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 2:56

I think you will want to remove the edge port setting from the A5500.

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/32
 port link-mode bridge
 description To A3100 Switch
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk permit vlan all
 stp edged-port enable   <----

The A5500 has a default route to Have you tried using that on the other switch too?
ip route-static


Since the switch on the right doesn't have any routes aside from the local routes, it can only communicate on

  • 1
    I'll edit my answer so it is more clear, but you are correct.
    – Aaron D
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 11:02

The 3100. Direct 0 0 Vlan1

172.16.1.x is not reachable via Maybe try and put a /32 on the 3100's .2 management address.

  • There already is an entry with a /32: Direct 0 0 InLoop0 . However - this is a bit odd. Why would that IP be on interface InLoop0, and not on VLAN1? The extract you gave is the directly connected subnet on interface VLAN1. Commented Sep 18, 2017 at 7:35

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