I work for a global company in the client support department. Another department manages the network. My team is frequently asked to throttle client traffic from our on-premises Apple software update servers (Apache) and Casper distribution points (IIS) because it's not possible to do so from network management. We run into a problem where one client can completely saturate a remote network link while downloading a patch or software package. This disrupts critical services like VoIP and intranet access. I know we have Cisco and Juniper hardware, and the link in question is around 30 Mbps. I'm sorry for not having specifics, but getting details is difficult to get from our networking team...
I get the feeling the network team is trying to pass the buck to my team... However, my team's network skills are marginal since our focus is client support.
Is it really the case network traffic can't be regulated from the router/switch level?
Any advice will help.