I am trying to understand the usage of bridge group command.Please refer the following config(on switch ASR9k):
bridge group TEST1
bridge-domain BD1
interface Bundle-Ether1.500
interface Bundle-Ether2.500
bridge-domain BD2
interface Bundle-Ether1.600
interface Bundle-Ether2.600
The configs for subinterfaces are as:
interface Bundle-Ether1.500 l2transport
encapsulation dot1q 500
rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
interface Bundle-Ether2.500 l2transport
encapsulation dot1q 500
rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric
Similarly for 600(only the dot1q tag would be 600)
There is a router connected to the above ASR9k switch on the other end that has the IP addresses as below:
interface Bundle-Ether1.500
ipv4 address <ipv4 address>
interface Bundle-Ether2.500
ipv4 address <ipv4 address>
Similary for X.600 part.
Q1:What exactly is the bridge group part used for?What if i remove it?
Q2:I understand that any frame coming to the switch with a tag of 500, will be put onto interface Bundle-Ether1.500 and also onto interface Bundle-Ether2.500. This tag will be stripped(at ingress ) and pushed back at egress(when the frame exits these interfaces(because of symmetric command). Is that correct understanding?
Q3:Bridge-domains represent ONE broadcast domain.So all the interfaces under one bridge domain are part of SAME broadcast domain? As for above, the Bundle-Ether1.500 and Bundle-Ether2.500 are part of SAME broadcast domain BD1. Is that CORRECT understanding?
Q4:Why at all do we need to group these Bridge-domains? What advantage am i getting?Why are we tying all the Bridge-domains under a single bridge group?
Q5:What role is l2vpn command playing in above?