Is it possible to deploy VSS configuration between Catalyst 4503-E and Catalyst 4507+RE ?
This is what I am trying to do, but at VSL establishment I get the following error messages :
*May 26 04:35:16.443: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-6-DUPLEX_MODE: The peer Supervisor has been detected
*May 26 04:35:35.770: %SW_LEVEL-6-RESULT: Operational redundancy mode is UNKNOWN, due to software license-level mismatch at ACTIVE and STANDBY. Software Level on Active: entservices; on Standby: entservices.
*May 26 04:35:45.785: %ISSU-3-PEER_IMAGE_INCOMPATIBLE: Peer image (cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M), version (03.04.03.SG) on peer uid (11) is incompatible
*May 26 04:35:45.785: %ISSU-3-PEER_IMAGE_INCOMPATIBLE: Peer image (cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M), version (03.04.03.SG) on peer uid (11) is incompatible
*May 26 04:35:55.194: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-2-IOS_VERSION_CHECK_FAIL: IOS version mismatch. Active supervisor version is 15.1(2)SG3 (cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M). Standby supervisor version is 15.1(2)SG3 (cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M). Redundancy feature may not work as expected.
*May 26 04:35:55.198: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-6-MODE: ACTIVE supervisor initializing for rpr mode
*May 26 04:35:55.462: %C4K_REDUNDANCY-3-COMMUNICATION: Communication with the peer Supervisor has been established
After this error message, the redundancy mode on the VSS Standby goes to RPR instead of SSO and it reloads indefinitely because this redundancy mode is not accepted.
I checked my IOS versions on both chassis & they are the same :
ROM: 15.0(1r)SG10
System image file is "bootflash:cat4500e-universalk9.SPA.03.04.03.SG.151-2.SG3.bin
I am running license level entservices for both chassis
Module Name Role Current Level Reboot Level
WS-X45-SUP7L-E Active entservices entservices
My 2 chassis are also configured with redundancy SSO.
Is there a caveat I am not aware of ?