virtual-service connect csr_mgmt console brings up a login prompt. Anyone know the credentials?

My issue is I am trying to use the REST API which first requires you to authenticate for a token. cURL works fine but I would prefer to use a browser and our friends at Cisco failed to set the CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’. I was hoping to get at the NGINX within the service container (VM) running on IOS-XE and set that...

BTW, disabling CORS on the browser for dev/testing does not work, and the fetch api ain't fully baked (with no-cors) yet either. Setting up a host file (so I can spoof the ip address to be a URL on the same origin/domain) don't work either.

1 Answer 1


...when the scalpel fails, pick up the axe and hack! CORS Bypass plugins; Yes...!

Good lord, that was a multiday journey through the innerds of XHR and Fetch.

enter image description here

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