I'm currently looking at configuring a second bridge on a cisco switch, however it appears that all interfaces are 'automatically' in the first bridging interface because they are part of Vlan1, which is part of the bridge interface.
Is this simply because Vlan1 is the special case of all interfaces until otherwise defined, or am I missing something?
bridge irb
bridge 1 protocol ieee
bridge 1 route ip
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
no cdp enable
interface FastEthernet1
no ip address
no cdp enable
interface Vlan1
description "my-first-bridge"
no ip address
bridge-group 1
bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled
switch1#show bridge
Total of 300 station blocks, 295 free
Codes: P - permanent, S - self
Bridge Group 1:
Address Action Interface Age RX count TX count
0080.XXXX.YYYY forward Vlan1 0 1894232 678976
7403.XXXX.YYYY forward Vlan1 0 108572 5269
accc.XXXX.YYYY forward Vlan1 0 321219 277407
accc.XXXX.YYYY forward Vlan1 1 293357 250052
3ca8.XXXX.YYYY forward Vlan1 0 465903 846206
How would I make one of the interfaces exclusively for vlan2 and bridge-group 2 ?
interface BVI1