- ISPs Actiontec router LAN subnetted to /25 -
- cannot ping into Cisco subnet
- Cisco RV130 subnetted to /25
- WAN port to Actiontec LAN port
- set as Gateway, Router mode would not allow internet response.
- ping OK out
I was hoping some combination of DHCP Relay, Router mode and enabling Dynamic Routing(RIP) would allow me communication from the 1st subnet into the second and retain internet access from inside the 2nd subnet.
I do plan on bridging this modem eventually but wanted to see what it is capable of in this capacity for future reference. None of the suggested Similar Questions presented are quite on point and VLANs are not part of the equation yet. That is why I originally got the router to work with a managed switch on my LAN.
The link is to the emulator for the interface with what I am working with, though mine is not wireless:
I hope this is direct enough to discuss here.