What I have got set up are my Cisco switches send SNMP traps to my intermapper server. I did that so I could see who is logging in or trying to log in. That part is working. What I need to do is create a probe, then I can set up notifications and so on.
The SNMP trap looks like this
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. (1) { "SEC_LOGIN", "5", "LOGIN_FAILED", "Login failed [user: admin] [Source:] [localport: 22] [Reason: Login Authentication Failed] at 22:39:45 MDT Tue Jul 16 2013", "902084201" }
What I am trying to accomplish is the availability to notify me when someone logs into the switches. Since I am the only one who logs into them it would be nice to see if someone try to log in or actually logs in.