Within the AT-9924SP series a console command such as

>show config dynamic

displays part of the config but then prompts the console again:

--More--  (<space> = next page, <CR> = one line, C = continuous, Q = quit)

Is anyone aware of a command or config to have the console command return the entire config in the "continuous" form - from a single console command?

1 Answer 1


Apparently, you can only set it to be from 4 to 99 lines per page, but you can turn paging off:

SET TTy [History=0..99] [PAGe=4..99] [PRompt={string-15|DEFault|OFf}] [TYpe={Dumb|Vt100}] [IDLEtimeout={10..4294967294|OFF|0}]

The page parameter sets the number of lines of command output displayed on the terminal screen before the switch pauses and waits for the user to press a key to continue. This number may range from 4 to 99. The default is 22 for both asynchronous ports and Telnet connections. If page is set to off, paging is disabled.

To turn off paging:

To set PAGE mode off for all subsequent Telnet connections, use the command:

set tt pag=of
  • This command works! Thank you for your help. :) The command reference is in "AlliedWare OS Software Reference - Chapter 46 Terminal Server"
    – sam
    Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 1:26
  • 1
    More fyi for others ... the new page off config appears in the dynamic config as # TTY configuration set tty page=off
    – sam
    Commented Mar 30, 2016 at 1:33

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