I have a requirement to regularly produce spreadsheet showing Cisco router interface information, in particular bandwidths of each interface and IP addresses. I have access to a network management tool which I can pull reports from so the information is there, I just need to understand it and present it logically
So one of the requirements is to show LAN and WAN side IP addresses in the spreadsheet under their own column. I understand the difference between these in a home network context – LAN side is the local IP that other devices see and the WAN side is the address that the internet sees. However in this context, I cannot seem to separate which is which..
This is what I have to work with (IPs and interface descriptions have been removed) for example for each interface
Device name, Interface Name Interface Description IP Address Speed Type Hostname1 FastEthernet0/0/0 (Fa0/0/0) Example LAN 2 MBit/s (F) ethernetCsmacd
How do I look at the IP addresses and work out whether the IP relates to the LAN or WAN side?