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9 votes

How do you configure a TACACS+ tac_plus server on Ubuntu 16.04 that authenticates against Microsoft Active Directory?

UPDATE 01/10/2018: Added missing library to enable Perl regular expression support (libpcre3-dev) UPDATE 11/07/2017: There is a bug in MAVIS. If you are having trouble using LDAPS on port 636 or 3269,...
dt1235's user avatar
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3 votes

RADIUS accounting Stop messages not being sent

The answer was to use dot1x port-control mac-based on each port that you want authenticated.
Jacob Degeling's user avatar
1 vote

No RADIUS Accounting for Particular Server

OK, so here's what I did to achieve no accounting from particular server: Configure Service Profile INTERNET and SERVER. Enable Service-Accounting only for INTERNET. MX will initiate per service ...
myst3ri0us's user avatar
1 vote

No RADIUS Accounting for Particular Server

You need to use Juniper's Per-Service Session Accounting. In a nutshell, this involves defining services using a firewall filter, applying those services per subscriber, then the MX will send ...
Benjamin Dale's user avatar

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