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3 votes

Removing VLANs from core trunks (.1q)....?

switchport trunk allowed vlan all might be the way forward to get from a restricted 802.1q trunk to an unrestricted one ("unrestriced" as in: all VLANs allowed), without having to worry about some ...
Marc 'netztier' Luethi's user avatar
2 votes

How long of an outage for ISSU Nexus Upgrade?

The best tip I can give for anything involving ISSU on 7K's is to read- and re-read- the release notes. There are very specific versions that are supported as origin/destination and there are also ...
rnxrx's user avatar
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Blacklist CLI commands on a Nexus

I think, it can be done by this: config t event manager applet protectmefromdoingstupid description "goes here" event cli match "switchport trunk allowed vlan [0-9]+.*" action 1.0 put "There was no '...
user40059's user avatar
1 vote

What is "oc_usd" Process on Cisco Nexus 7k and how to solve

The Octopus process relates to some internal ASICs. As for issue resolution, What changed? Could be a misconfiguration, software bug, bad hardware, etc. Use basic troubleshooting to narrow down ...
Ronnie Smith's user avatar
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Will Nexus load-balance method "src-dst-port" help balance link usage between two servers on same subnet?

I'm sending data on multiple ports evenly, If your goal is to do round-robin load balancing, then I would highly discourage that because it leads to out-of-order data delivery that can actually slow ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
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Blacklist CLI commands on a Nexus

I did the same think using RBAC locally on our Nexus 7010: role name Soporte-2 rule 55 permit command configure terminal ; interface * ; switchport trunk allowed vlan add * rule 50 deny command ...
Ivan Ypes's user avatar
1 vote

Blacklist CLI commands on a Nexus

If you insist on using EEM on Nexus, you can try with the following two applets. I have tested them out and they work as expected. event manager applet TrunkAdd event cli match "conf t ; int * ; ...
Hung Tran's user avatar
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How long of an outage for ISSU Nexus Upgrade?

I found the issue. The interfaces of the 7K we were upgrading didn't have the 'no ip redirects' command on. This caused a drop in BFD between the neighboring router we were testing from and also ...
stets's user avatar
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Looking to confirm correct OID to poll for Nexus power module operational status and the meaning of results

Cisco's SNMP Object Navigator is a great resource to answer most of these questions. Entering your OID gives the following, so indeed 2 = OK : Object cefcModuleOperStatus OID
hertitu's user avatar
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Issue with GLC-T on in a Nexus 7000 F2e line card

This was a software issue if I recall correctly
Ben Mason's user avatar
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