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Questions tagged [netconf]

For questions concerning creating, implementing, or troubleshooting Netconf-based (RFC 6241) configuration tools.

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How to generate the netconf configuration for traffic enginerring with Segment routing from the CLI commands on Cisco IOS XR platofrm

I have below configurations to be pushed via netconf : Router Type :- IOS -XR CLI :- segment-routing traffic-eng segment-list ar4.BLB_ar7.BLB_c_10000_ep_1.2.3.4 index 1 mpls label 24001 index ...
harshit gupta's user avatar
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Why NETCONF standard distinguishes YANG models and configurations?

I'm not a professional network engineer and have poor experience with NETCONF. Could you please explain to me why standard requires two different files with different extensions (xml/json and yang) to ...
Nabla's user avatar
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Unable to connect to the router using ncclient on RedHat 9.0 on IBM PowerPC

I have a simple program using netconf client version ncclient 0.6.13 with Python3 running on PPC64LE Red hat Version Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.2 (Plow) which is using netconf yang to connect ...
Kuldip Nanda's user avatar
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Change mac-address with Netconf

I am playing around with Netconf and I try to do some configurations with the openconfig yang models. I use ncclient to send the configuration and netconfd from the yuma123 project to simulate a ...
rgrueebler's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

NETCONF namespaces

I am trying to extract information via NETCONF from an IOS-XE device. I am using two separate methods to achieve this and cannot replicate the success of one method while using the other: Successful ...
Angelos Vassiliou's user avatar
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what are the difficulties of configuring switches through SNMP?

I have a cisco switch that supports CLI, SNMP, and NETCONF for management issues. I should develop an application for managing the switch which should include monitoring and also configuring ...
hamed's user avatar
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RESTCONF call to GET/UPDATE switchport configured vlan for IOS-XE running on CAT 3850

I'm unable to figure out the restconf URI needed to GET the configured VLAN for a given switchport interface for IOS-XE. I would also like to be able to UPDATE a switchport-access VLAN given a port. I'...
jlrivera81's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Vendor Agnostic Network Automation

I am trying to change switch configurations from different vendors using python. So far i tested using Netmiko. While these gets the work done but requires device specific commands, which is ...
codeCat's user avatar
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Multiple mac adrress on one cisco switch interface

How can i config Multiple mac address on one cisco switch interface? (I have 3 laptops and i connect only one laptop every time(I switch between them), and i want to config only one interface with the ...
Jasmine's user avatar
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Configuration file of switches format

Do we need different config files for each category [aaa, bfd, ptp, lldp, vlan etc] for deployment or can there be a single config file that contains all [aaa, bfd, ptp, lldp, vlan etc] and do they ...
robinhoodjr's user avatar
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What are the differences between a basic configuration and a full configuration of a network device?

When someone is talking about a basic/base configuration of a network device, does this mean the startup configuration file? And when a full configuration is referenced how is it different from a ...
robinhoodjr's user avatar
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How can different views onto same data model be defined in YANG?

RFC6020 contains the following statement "A NETCONF server may implement a number of modules, allowing multiple views of the same data" (my emphasis). I want to do exactly that, so that my NETCONF ...
jyb's user avatar
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Configuration vs Operational within NETCONF/YANG

NETCONF/YANG touts being able to provide a clear split between distinguishing the configuration from operational state. However Im unable to see the clear way this is done. I can see some RFCs ...
RickD's user avatar
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is it possible edit prefix list using netconf

Is it possible to edit the prefix list through netconf in juniper router. I am using new version of juniper router.
Sivagnanam's user avatar
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Regarding NETCONF

I am trying for basic operations on IOS-XR (Cisco) using Netconf.This includes initially setting up a netconf connection as below: ssh [hostname] -p 830 -s netconf As soon as, the connection is ...
fsociety's user avatar
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