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4 votes

Edit BGP on IOS XE3

router bgp 203725 specifies your local AS-number, not the peer AS-number. A router can be part of only one ASN. It seems that you're just making a typo though: 203725 and 203735 are two different ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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4 votes

how to factory reset ASR 1001-X

There is no actual factory reset like there is on a consumer-grade router. You must perform a password recovery, then you can erase the startup configuration and reload. See the detailed instruction ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
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Method to rename the existing BGP peer group

Create the new neighbor peer group with all desired configuration. Remove the existing neighbor from the old peer group. Add the neighbor to the new peer group. Remove the old peer group once ...
FrameHowitzer's user avatar
2 votes

Regex for cisco acl

I don't have the rep points to comment above but, what Ron Maupin said about the explicit deny being pointless is wrong. With only the implicit deny, you will only see denied traffic if your logging ...
Jesse P.'s user avatar
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Enabling interface TenGigE0/0/2/0 pls help

troz-gw-1#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. troz-gw-1(config)#interface TenGigE0/0/2/0 troz-gw-1(config-if)#no shut troz-gw-1(config-if)#exit troz-gw-1(config)#exit ...
Ricky's user avatar
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1 vote

implementing broadcast traffic restriction

You can't simply drop broadcast traffic. You need to locate the source(s) first, then you can filter appropriately - ideally close to the source. Better yet, identify the problem causing the ...
Zac67's user avatar
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