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11 votes

Analyze Network Traffic by Autonomous System Number?

You can certainly do this with Wireshark. In the menu choose Statistics > Endpoints and you will see a window like this: You might need to copy and paste into Excel to sum the bytes per AS, or use ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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5 votes

Regarding Infrastructure and Hardware

The main reason for putting your equipment in another company's data centre is to take advantage of all the infrastructure: power, cooling, networking, physical security. Secondarily it can be ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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5 votes

Limitations of Bilateral peering at an IX

Although there can be huge benefits for peering, there are some downsides for sure: Peering doesn't have to be cheaper. In fact, if the utilization of your peering port is low, it's very likely that ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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4 votes

Public IP / IP Transit / IP Peering / ASN / Internet Exchange

Typically, the terms 'transit' and 'peering' are used when routes are exchanged via BGP between ASNs. If i subscribed to an ISP internet service and the IP range is allocated by the ISP - it is ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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4 votes

Question about BGP peering with your ISP

There are generally two reasons to use BGP with your ISP: You have more than one connection to your ISP(s), and you want to influence which path your traffic takes. You have your own provider ...
Ron Trunk's user avatar
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3 votes

Possibility of transferring data over the same-level networks, rather than the higher-level network

This all depends on how these networks are connected. If there is no direct BGP connection between A and B, this would never work. Your assumptions on what 'peering' and 'transit' are, are a bit off I ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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3 votes

Relationship between DNS records of routers, whois information and geolocation?

The thing is that you have an MPLS network in the middle of your traceroute. Actually results from traceroute are not really accurate when it comes to MPLS environment. What happens is that all ICMP ...
Viktor Borisov's user avatar
3 votes

Advertise downstream customer-owned /24 without BGP-Peering

Your Org can create a RADB entry for your customer prefix (since LOA is given, that should be mentioned in the "remarks" column of RADB) under your maintainer object. When your ISPs query ...
Shaunak Kakade's user avatar
3 votes

Ho to implement RPKI for our Network

Your question is very broad, and you're not providing many details (for example which documents you read or what your network topology and equipment used is), but I'll try to give you some pointers. ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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2 votes

Network discovery and establishing connections within Eduroam, a network split in subnets

There are two possible approaches to peers finding each other in the network: Broadcasting or multicasting: generally only works within a local subnet/L2 segment unless special forwarding services ...
Zac67's user avatar
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2 votes

Routing an owned /24 IPv4 block to a single server

"the BGP session is already up" Between which peers? We might need some more information here. On the other hand, it will all depend on how the network admins built their network. You'll have to ...
Marc 'netztier' Luethi's user avatar
2 votes

Method to rename the existing BGP peer group

Create the new neighbor peer group with all desired configuration. Remove the existing neighbor from the old peer group. Add the neighbor to the new peer group. Remove the old peer group once ...
FrameHowitzer's user avatar
2 votes

The relationship between AS upstreams, downstreams and peers

Upstream and downstream aren't well defined terms in routing, as routing really doesn't have a direction. They are all a matter of perspective. Traffic can flow in any direction. Any prefix can be ...
Ricky's user avatar
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2 votes

The relationship between AS upstreams, downstreams and peers

First: please keep in mind that this is just a representation/interpretation of routing relationships as generated by one specific website based on information they most likely derive from routing ...
Teun Vink's user avatar
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1 vote

How to remote access CCTV's device behind CGNAT for IPv4, and device doesn't have support for DDNS IPv6?

Whatever you do, use VPN. VPN is a good, hard authenticator and its encryption protects you from eavesdropping. Don't depend on the cameras' functionalities but use an additional VPN router. That ...
Zac67's user avatar
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1 vote

Peering of ISPs

A larger number of peers basically means that the ISP is better connected - more efficient and possibly more redundant. However, the pure figure doesn't tell you everything. It's also about the ...
Zac67's user avatar
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1 vote

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking Decentralization

In the case of bittorrent DHT, there are anchor points. What you are describing is a classic bootstrap paradox. How do I find other nodes if I don't know any nodes in the network? You either have to ...
Ricky's user avatar
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1 vote

how p2p connections are established over the internet

the IPs that ISP gives to us is invalid and isn't reachable. That can't be true. When the public IP address is invalid you can't do anything with the connection. Many P2P networks use a directory ...
Zac67's user avatar
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1 vote

traceroute -A - how does the lookup work?

--as-path-lookups is based on RADB IRR data, which may very well be incorrect/missing. traceroute/as_lookups.c in traceroute-2.1.0 Dmitry Butskoy /* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Dmitry ...
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