New answers tagged vxlan
Why is LACP not working between Dell S5224F-ON switches and FortiGate virtual switches (line protocol down, member inactive)?
What you have actually configured on the Dell switches are LACP LAG ports towards their Fortigates (switch groups). You can't pass LAG across a switch - as Ron has explained, LACPDUs aren't forward ...
Why is LACP not working between Dell S5224F-ON switches and FortiGate virtual switches (line protocol down, member inactive)?
LACP frames are sent with the special 01:80:c2:00:00:02 multicast MAC address. The IEEE has reserved the 01:80:c2 OUI for link protocols, and frames with this special multicast OUI are not allowed to ...
Routing packets on atypical network topology
You could enable Proxy ARP on the fortigates,then very carefully set up some static host routes on them: you'd tell audran that the route to TEST-CRAPTRAP (or whatever that says in the lower right) is ...
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